Today's special:
- D4 Service sample: very, very
simple demo service: pops up a dialog box every two seconds until you hit the 'cancel'
button... D4, Source only...
- Working with IIS 4.0: Debugging ISAPI dlls and ASP, how to unload
a dll easily and how to stop the web services when things went BAAADDD
- IIS mini FAQ: Simple FAQ regarding the debugging
of Delphi web applications with MS IIS/PWS 4.0 under NT
Ressources, units, components and samples
- DOSPipes (v1.5): A unit to easily redirect
the output of a console application to anything you like.
- ASP Tracerout and Ping Server Objects: Demonstrate how
to create ASP server objects using Delphi 3. You'll need the Internet Component Suit from Fran�ois
Piette to compile them. (Check out the objects in action here
- LocalCGI (v1..0): Local CGI web server. This
was designed as a sample of web server executing a CGI application. The goal
(and the reason why it's only a local server) is to create
"offline" version of web sites that includes CGI applications like
search engine and the such. Required: Winshoes
v7.39+ (not included), DOSPipes 1.4+ (Included). Note: The modified version
of the Winshoes HTTP server component included is only necessary for version
7.39B of winshoes and earlier.
- NamedPipeDemo: A demonstration of the use
of named pipes to communicate between NT processes on the same machine.
Includes a named pipe server thread object and the necessary function to
communicate with it. Useful to talk between an ISAPI and a master program or
a service and a process running in the interactive user context.
- AutoUpdate unit for delphi/Indy:
Simple automatic program update support library for Delphi + Indy.
Other interesting topics