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The future

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A quick explanation on what hides behind that name. Last updated in April 1996, by the Author himself (all praise His wisdom), St�phane "Alias" Gallay ([email protected]), with a king-sized help from Matthias "Thias" Wiesmann ([email protected]) for WWW layout.

Copyright � 1996 St�phane "Alias" GALLAY. Permission to reproduce (the text, that is; readers are supposed to be grown-ups and can thus do pretty much what they want, as long as its between consenting adults) granted for non-commercial purposes only.

Introduction (or "what's that?")

Tigres Volants (Flying Tigers in English) is a Pre-Apocalyptic Science-Fiction Fantasy Role-Playing game published by Les Cr�ateurs Genevois.

Seems a little pompous? Okay, it's mostly show, but nonetheless justified.

Science-fiction, because it's set in the late 23rd century, two hundred years after humanity eventually reached space and discovered they had been awaited. For a long time.

Pre-apocalyptic, because this arrival of ten billion war-crazy humans in an altogether peaceful piece of galaxy (but for a local war or five) is tipping the fragile balance towards doom; or so think many people.

What about Fantasy? There are some things that stay unexplained despite numerous efforts from scientists and an obscure FBI department. There is magic, or to be precise, psi-like powers called Arcanae. There are also various supernatural beings, like Elementals, i.e. embodied elemental spirits. But is it really true?

(You'd better believe they are!)

Text: St�phane "Alias" Gallay ([email protected])
Images: David "BD" Bouet (art), Alias (title)