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Part Two: The Cast, in alphabetical order...

sing. Atalen.

Humans with some Eyldarin blood. They live mainly in the Borderline and the Atlani Leagues, but in fact you can find them about anywhere. Physically not much different from standard Humans; perhaps a bit taller and good-looking (that's eyldarin blood for you!), psychically less violent and warlike.


Human mutants. They are smaller, a bit weaker, have white hair and psionic powers by the dozen (okay, not by the dozen, but more than a few). Persecuted, they tend to develop street talents a lot, as well as a good dose of healthy paranoia. Don't like to shed blood that much, other than survival-wise.

sing. Eylda; fem. Eylwen, fem. plur. Eylwyn; adj. eyldarin. You'll get used to it.

Once the Masters of the Galaxy, they decided to retire from that post after the end of the Arlaurientur and go back to a much, MUCH quieter life. They now are the most peace-loving, easy-going people in the Sphere (of course, you'd better not ask what happened to the Arlaurientur war fleet). Eyldar are tall, thin, with very appalling facial features, but perhaps for the very large eyes and the pointed ears (quite like ElfQuest High Ones, with more human-like body proportions -- i.e. five fingers and no oversized head; no relation with EQ, actually. Not much, anyway.).


Created by the Highlander Federation, these are artificially "enhanced" Humans. They sure make excellent fighters and leaders, but are perhaps not much gifted in anything else. As a species, they have a stronger feeling of community than stock Humans, as well as a feeling of superiority, particularly with respect to (or, more appropriately, without respect to) mutants. The only difference with Humans is that they are taller, stronger, dark-skinned and fair-haired, but that's not a reference, since the two last World Wars induced many species mixing, hence a lot of caf� au lait people with fair hair.


Very tall (about 220 cm. -- 7'4"), brown-skinned and bone-thin humanoids, who came from arid deserts and build an immense military civilization (?) known as the Karlan High-Command. There are many Karlan ethnies, among them are the military Wrisjandri and the nomadic Hjandri. The latter are much more social, and can often be found in the Sphere, looking for money and equipment for their revolutionnary movements. One more thing: there is no singular to 'Karlan'; in fact, it can be used as a noun and an adjective.


From an Afrikaan dialect, meaning "Werewolf", Rowaans are dog-headed Humans (usually with a German shepherd's head, or something equally mean -- not a teckel's). They also are big, strong and very bad- tempered people: don't ever call them 'Rover' in their face; at best, you'd swallow most of your teeth. (at worst, they'd swallow you!) This aside, they have had numerous problems with the Highlander Federation and are now the most important anti-highlander movement in the Sphere. And another thing: they love flying every atmospheric craft, from the jet-pack to the heavy bomber, with a strong preference for a fully loaded version of the latter.

sing. Siyan; adj. siyansk

Siyani are huge, green and scaly people, like over-developped Lizard-Men. They tend to carry very large head-splitters they call "tramway rails". Oh, I forget, they are merchants. And the best! Trying to haggle with a Siyan is just like trying to decipher a 5x5x5 Rubik's cube with a blindfold and handcuffs. Only more so. They own (yes, own; like in "private property") a little part of the Sphere and regularly patrol the rest.


Last but not least, they are anthropomorphic bears, who live in a Medieval planet, which unfortunately came to be invaded by the Highlander Federation. They don't have a very high technology, but know very well how to use modern weapons. Alas, they are claustrophobic when it comes to armor.

Text: St�phane "Alias" Gallay ([email protected])

Images: David "BD" Bouet, Yves Lazou, Chris Steiner