Part Seven: The Future of Tigres Volants
Things are under way. For one, Le Tinkle Bavard which is the Cr�ateurs Genevois' fanzine, regularly publishes (in French) gaming aids, scenarii and other stuff for Tigres Volants. Six times a year. Honest.
Two, and this is a proof of One above, Les Dossiers Maudits de la Dame de Fer ("The Cursed Files of the Iron Lady"), a special issue of the Tinkle Bavard, was recently published, with 80 pages of Tigres Volants stuff, previously released in older issues. Gaming aids, planets, cities and adventures, all in one neat package.
And Three, me and some others are currently working on numerous (okay, at least two) extensions for Tigres Volants. Fils des �toiles ("Children of the Stars"; the page is only in French for now), a world book on Eyldar, is scheduled for release sometime. Another extension well under way is Ringstadt, which is another worldbook designed by Matthias "Thias" Wiesmann ([email protected]).
And besides, there is Tigres Volants 3.0...
"So take a seat, we're not done yet..." (Saga)

Text: St�phane "Alias" Gallay ([email protected])
Images: Michel Rauw (cover Fils des �toiles), St�phane Grobety + Thias (rotating logo)