It was the Monday after Easter, also known as Easter Monday...
My mother and I were walking the streets of Monthey, looking for a gift for my grand-mother, who is turning ninety this year (by the way, happy birthday, grandma!)
Monthey is a small, quaint city of twelve thousand souls in Lower Valais, Switzerland. A valley between two huge mountain cliffs, down which slowly flows the Rhône river. It's also the birth town of my father and close to the place of origin of my whole family.
A few bazillion light years away from ElfQuest, right?
It seems like the breath of the World of Two Moons legends went as far as touch this very backwater little place none of you must never have heard of before. Because it was there!
The Egg.
The ovoid shape, the intricate designs. Well, there was only one layer, but you can't have it all, can you?
And it was in chocolate!..
What else could I do?
Neat little piece of sin, isn't it? I'm talking about the Egg, of course...
If not, all the more for us poor little Humans...
The photos were taken by my beloved Isa. Thank you dear. I just massacred them on my computer.
Relic or not, don't tease me with anything made up of chocolate! The Egg ended its gastronomic carreer in my stomach (mostly) and Isabelle's (a bit). And it was good. A bit too sweet, as far as I'm concerned, but as I said before, you can't have it all.
If you are interested in the Ultimate Chocolate Egg experience, you can always try and contact:
M. Sallin
CH-1870 Monthey, Switzerland
I'll put the complete address and phone number when I'll get the chance. And no, I don't know these folks, and they didn't pay me a Swiss centime for this. I'm just thanking a -- most probably -- unvoluntary contributor to the grandeur of ElfQuest.
Next Easter, check your home town. And maybe..
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Commentaires: Stéphane "Alias" Gallay -- Ou alors venez troller sur le forum...